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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Best Day EVER!!

Many of you probably do not know, unless you've watched my live chats or DaniellaPersonal, but im a fanatic of the ShayCarl / Shaytards channel-family. So for my birthday i got my parents to buy me a Shaytard calendar. I was one of the few lucky who got a signature on it. But of the few luckier who get an extra on it luke a signture, drawing ect... But princesstard, the second oldest of the kids, also signed my calendar. I literally screamed when i found out. You may think why? its only a youtuber. But i describe my feelings towards that particular channel, as a 12yr old girls obsession with Justin Bieber. Though i hate Justin, it can put into perspective my love for their channel. And how ShayCarl was one of the insperations for my DaniellaPersonal channel along with fellow YouTubers like Shane Dawson.
<3 ~ Daniella Judith

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